Ciarán Sheehan answered these questions for the Phantom Appreciation Society by mail, when he was playing the Phantom in Toronto in the mid 1990s.

How did you get the role of the Phantom?
I expressed my interest in wanting to play the role to Hal Prince.
How does it feel to play the Phantom, having played Raoul on Broadway?
The Phantom is more rewarding than Raoul in terms of acting. No, it wasn’t a difficult transition.
How did you research the Phantom’s character?
I used Susan Kay’s novel “Phantom” as background history.
What did you think the first time you saw yourself in make-up?
I was covering the role when I first saw myself in make-up, and I was just thrilled at the prospect of being one step closer to attaining the role.
What is your favourite scene?
The Final Lair, because it’s the scene in which I interact with Christine and Raoul the most.
Do you think it is based on a true story – does Erik exist?
I believe Erik exists in all of us.
What do you think of Erik?
When I think about Erik I think about him in the first person, so to answer your question I feel misunderstood, lonely, and full of self-loathing.
What do you think happens at the end?
I go into hiding to be alone with my music and live out my last days quietly.
What is your favourite of the roles you’ve played, and what roles would you like to play in the future?
My favourite role was Rick in “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof”. I’d like to play Deflores in “The Changeling”, Hamlet, and Richard III. I’m currently working on a rock album.